Featured Regional Partnerships

Sager Brown –  UMCOR Sager Brown is a relief supply network with United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).  Whenever there is a natural disaster, or other large scale disasters, UMCOR is on the ground quickly, providing for the needs of people all around the world.  Sager Brown, is one distribution center that helps this to happen. Our teams help organize, prepare, and distribute items for these disasters.  For more information on how to support UMCOR or to learn more about being a part of a mission team, call the church office.

Youth Work Mission – Our youth (7th-12th grade) go on a mission trip each year, doing a range of service activities from construction, to rural ministry, to urban poverty relief. Youth help plan these trips alongside adults.  Contact Pastor Carrie for more information.

Check out the 2020 Youth Work Mission at the Nehemiah Mission.

Want to know about other Regional Partnerships we as a church support?