Featured Local Partnerships

Grindstone Elementary – We partner with our local elementary school in caring for our community’s children.  There are several ways you can get involved: Join or attend a PTA meeting or event; volunteer as a classroom helper; volunteer as a 3rd Grade Flashcard Friend helping with math skills or a Kindergarten Book Buddy reading to students; or let us know your special gift and we can help get you connected.  Together, we support our children’s learning and development.

Interested in being a 3rd Grade Flash Card Friend or a Kindergarten Book Buddy, click here to print an application.

OhioGuidestone – We partner with OhioGuidestone in caring for children and youth who benefit from family services.  You may meet OhioGuidestone youth at Messy Church, or in worship.  We are always looking for mentors for high school students at Berea-Midpark High School, as well as a team of folks willing to help with other OhioGuidestone programming, include Bridges out of Poverty   programs.

Below are a few more of the Local Partnerships we as a church support.

Berea Community Meal
Local Food Pantries
University Circle Community Lunch
Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network)
Girl and Boy Scouts