Our mission is to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Our Vision Statement

The United Methodist Church of Berea is a loving, accepting church for all people that celebrates Christ’s love through education, worship, and community and global outreach.

We, the United Methodist Church of Berea, are Christ-centered, and strive to honor our Wesleyan Heritage. We value:

  • The Bible as the guiding source for actively learning, teaching and living in the Christian faith
  • Fulfilling and challenging worship that is centered on God
  • Claiming and owning our role in building God’s kingdom and sustaining His Church
  • Spreading the word of God’s love as our mission to our church, our community and the world
  • Respect for diversity and the practice of Christian hospitality to all

In response to the call of God, The United Methodist Church of Berea is committed to follow the teachings and example of Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we proclaim the Good News and grow as a fellowship of the people of God. We dedicate our God-given talents to create and sustain an environment which enables people to become new persons in Christ. Therefore, we praise God in worship, we know God in mind and heart, and we serve God in the world.